awaken the Goddess within

LEARN how to unleash your authentic feminine power and manifest your deepest desires.


The Goddess Portal


“An Evening Chat with MSNBC’s Joy Reid”


Expand your capacity for pleasure and live from that place.

There are times when you are on top of the world, and everything is going right. You’re in the flow and you’ve got the world in your manicured hands, and then…It all goes away. You may have lost your job, your loved one or simply lost yourself. 

You’ve lost your mojo.

That happened to me. I was on the top of the world, an award-winning journalist, working at a major network news organization. It was my dream job and I had manifested a nice big salary and plum assignments producing documentaries.

Then the next thing I knew, I had been laid off, my mother had passed away and I had a kid entering college. Oh, and I was a single mother with very little savings. I was fu#%ed.

But a girlfriend introduced me to the School of Womanly Arts and my life began to get really good and really juicy!

And now I’m living a life beyond my wildest dreams with a fabulous (and fine) man who adores me.

How did I do it? Well, that’s what I’m going to teach you!

The Goddess Portal’s purpose is to teach professional women the art of pleasure that leads them to know themselves deeply and manifest their deepest desires.

Through coaching, movement and events, The Goddess Portal gracefully guides women to unlock and unleash their authentic selves and tap deeply into their gifts so they may show up powerfully in their personal and professional lives, and in the world.

The Goddess Portal is the gateway to pleasure and desire. Its courses and tools do not aim at teaching the meaning of pleasure and desire, for that is beyond what can be taught. Each woman is free to chart her own pathway to what truly brings her bliss. It does aim, however at removing the blocks to the awareness of pleasure, which is her inheritance, that she may manifest and experience her truest and deepest desires.

About Annette

I have become a mistress of pleasure and a master manifester of desires.

I have conjured and created a life in my 50’s beyond my wildest dreams and I want to teach other women how to do the same. My upbringing was strict. My parents Caribbean and immigrants to the United States. I was the first in my family to attend college. They wanted me to be a doctor. I wanted to be a minister because of my leadership experiences in the church when I was young. But by my late teens and twenties I became rebellious. I had a conservative, good girl image on the outside and a dark, party queen on the inside and I carried this persona for more than 25 years. My experiences in Egyptian mysticism, psycho-spirituality, psychology, 12-step philosophy, womanly arts and more has grounded me in the divine feminine way of life. I live that life every day and with every fiber of by being and my calling is to teach other women how to have this for themselves.

Ways to Work With Us

Portal Entry- Sunday Salons

This course consists of monthly gatherings of women that provide the opening to the Goddess Portal. In these sessions, women come in as novices, curious to the world of pleasure and desire. Through basic exercises such as bragging, gratuities, desires (trinities), the art of flirting, and other entry-level tools, each session will allow women to come together and start building sisterhood.

Portal Opening

This is an 12-week immersion into the pleasure tools. In this course, women will be guided each week to learn and practice flirting, swiping, trinities, swamping, yes-ing, jewels, goddess baths, runways, making a pleasure altar, meditation and more. They will become artists of pleasure learning how to give it as well as receive it.

Portal Becoming – 

Advanced Course

This 4-week intensive with immerse a woman deep into her feminine. She will explore her range of pleasure and desire through a myriad of exercises including reclamation, the courtesan’s journey, domme/submissive tools, spiritual/sacred awakenings, chakra openings, rituals and more.

One – on – One Coaching

One on one coaching – Powerful offering that allows us to serve as a midwife for a woman’s deepest desires. My calling is to be that shoulder to lean on when her world is falling apart and give her tools to re-light her fires and reveal a life beyond her wildest dreams. I’m that woman, that is called to make the shift in humanity from women trying to live by patriarchal rules. I’m that woman that will teach her how to tap into and reveal her innate feminine power and show her how absolutely powerful and magnetic she truly is by being her authentic self.

Click here to book a FREE 30-minute discovery call with Annette.  


I took one of Annette’s workshops with my daughter & friend and it was one of the best experiences I have had!  I left feeling uplifted, lighter, and with a renewed sense of self!  Plus I had fun!  Annette has an infectious energy that is hard to resist! 

                                                                                                                   — Ellen C., Wilmington, NC

Awaken your inner Goddess — This experience left me with a heightened feeling of empowerment, self-love, self-discovery, and sisterhood.  The soulful rituals ignited the sensual woman that I always dreamed of being.  Through this experience I have begun the journey to discover my divine feminine wisdom, and essence. 

                                                                                                                    — Lisa J., Orangeburg, SC


Course Offerings



for your








June 16, 2024


Terra Sol Studio  507 Castle Street Wilmington, N.C.     

Yoga wear recommended for this class










12- Week Class










